Welcome to our farm


Our farm is located in Vikonje which is about 30 km from the citycenter of Dodoma on the road towards Morogoro. We grow a wide variety of plants and keep animals on around 60 acres (24 hectares).

We currently enjoy having around 100 animals and have planted over 12,000 trees.

The trees we are growing on our farm serve to improve the soil greatly. But we are not only planting trees here; in our tree nursery we are producing thousands of trees to help others towards a greener environment. In the last few years, the soil on our farm has become much richer in nutrients and our yields are increasing every year.

The farm is of great importance to the local population because of the enormous population growth and the low output of local farming using traditional farming practices.

Currently about 30 local employees are working here, as well as some day-workers from the nearby villages and some volunteers from abroad.

We also offer courses to teach and show people how to grow their land sustainably.

Our farm is a demonstration farm where we show through different means how great the impact of sustainable methods compared to traditional methods and modern/ western farming methods, is.

The project is owned by the Anglican Church of Tanzania (4 million church members), Hilfe die ankommt (an Austrian NGO) and Care of Creation Inc.. Many individuals see the project as an answer to their many years of prayers for Tanzania. From the beginning, the project was entirely funded through donations. The long-term goal is to see the farm being self-sustained after 7 years.