Through this project hundreds of thousands of farmers are achieving food security. At the same time, with strong Christian values based on the gospel, they are learning to care for the environment that surrounds them. The project is also training trainers from Tanzania and other African countries to teach sustainable agricultural and foresting methods through a training center (courses) and a pilot farm (visible demonstration).
Even as the population in Tanzania is growing rapidly, non-sustainable farming methods are causing yields to decline sharply.” At a rate growth of 2.7 percent per annum, the national average population growth rate ranks as one of the fastest in the world and translates to a net total of about 1.2 million people being added to the population annually. At this rate, Tanzania’s population is projected to reach 70.1 million in 2025” ([http://www.thdr.or.tz/docs/THDR-BP-7.pdf)]0.
At the same time as population grows, yields are declining and very little effort has been made to increase yield production.“ (www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/9/8/1490/pdf)
According to UNDP the sub-Sahara region has nearly 218 million people who are food insecure and undernourished.“ (http://www.fao.org/publications/rofsn-africa/en/)
Due to enormous population growth and yield decline, many Tanzanian farmers can no longer support themselves on their own land. Malnutrition is evident on many levels. For example: “Malnutrition is an underlying cause in more than a third of under-five deaths.“ (http://www.thdr.or.tz/docs/THDR-BP-7.pdf p.28)”
Without significant help in the area of sustainable agricultural and forestry training as well as water conservation, Tanzania’s future is not bright. This project strives for deep and lasting change through an integrated approach of discipleship and sustainable agriculture - for God loves the people and his creation beyond measure.
The project of Care of Creation Tanzania in Central Tanzania (25km from capital Dodoma) addresses these threats by:
• Running a training center for discipleship and sustainable agricultural methods where trainers are trained
• Establishing and running a pilot farm (60 acres of land) functioning as a demonstration site for various sustainable farming techniques such as: Farming God’s way, Permaculture, Aquaponics etc.
• Running training courses in remote locations throughout the entire country of Tanzania
• Establishing demonstration sites in remote locations throughout Tanzania
• Networking with potential partners in and outside Africa
Through all of this, the project will bring deep and lasting change for the Tanzanian farmer’s body, soul and spirit. Small-scale farmers will not only be able to live from their land and glorify God with their farm but will be able to supply food security for others who are living in cities. In learning how to do so, the people of Tanzania will experience God’s love in a unique way and will learn how to channel his love towards the environment that surrounds them.