Help and Donate
You want to help? That’s how you can do it:
Pray with us:
We thank the Creator for:
Our employees
The Farm
The blossoming nature
The animals on the farm
The people who pray for us
The people who support us financially
We ask the Creator for:
Reliable rainy seasons
Good growth of the many plants
Sufficient financial support for our 30+ employees
Blessings for the people and the land around us
A blessed building up-phase of the pilot farm
Donate here
Click below to go to our online partner, Tithely. You will have the option to give with a card or with your checking account, one-time or on a recurring schedule of your choosing. Return to Tithley anytime to adjust the schedule or change your account details.
All gifts are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.
If you are from Austria, Germany or Switzerland please click here to donate.
(Choose “Care of Creation” as Project)
You want to help on site and spend a few months in Tanzania increasing our impact and changing your life?