When we came here in 2017, there were almost no birds to be seen. On the one hand, this was simply due to the dry season, when there is less animal life overall, but also because the whole area was deforested and impoverished. We then started planting trees and shrubs, digging water neck ditches and mulching. The improved soil situation brought more insects, which in turn are food for many birds.
In these three and a half years since the start of the project, both the number of birds and the biodiversity have multiplied. We have not yet done a serious count of how many bird species there are here now (anyone who would like to do so is welcome ;-), but we estimate that there are currently about 50+ bird species with us. It is a joy to watch these many different birds flying back and forth and looking for their food with us. And it is a great privilege that we are allowed to help our wonderful Father in Heaven to make a new home for these birds.