In many areas of Africa, the soil is depleted, compacted, the trees felled. As a result, rainwater is no longer absorbed into the soil, but runs off uncontrollably, washing away the fertile topsoil and even causing flooding elsewhere that can cost lives.
There is one particular grass that can help solve this problem: Vetiver (Chrysopogon zizanioides). Its roots reach deep into the ground (up to four metres). This makes the grass extremely drought resistant, helping to aerate the soil and allow more rainwater to penetrate the soil. Its firm growth habit and deep roots also prevent the grass from being washed out. The possible applications for this "miracle grass" are many:
- As erosion control, to prevent rainfall from washing out soil. It can even be planted in relatively large outwash areas. Or vetiver is planted along contour lines.
- Along paths, field boundaries or similar as a marker. Because it is deep-rooted and does not sprout runners, it stays in the same place for years, even decades. It also looks beautiful.
- As mulch material for fields. Vetiver keeps sprouting even in the dry season and is very good for mulching fields, vegetable beds or planted trees.
- Planted in large rings around banana plants, it is suitable both as a mulch material and to prevent heavy rains from washing away the mulch material.
- As part of an integrated approach to pest control. Some cereal pests prefer vetiver and thus spare susceptible cereal crops such as maize. However, they cannot reproduce in vetiver grass, so overall pest pressure is reduced.
- As a fodder reserve for the dry season. Since it keeps sprouting, animals have a reserve when other forage material is no longer available.
- The roots contain an essential oil that is used in the pafum industry.
- and many more!
All in all, it is a wonderful multifunctional grass that we use in many ways on our farm. Four years ago we started with one bunch of grass and now we have hundreds of them all over our farm. Another example of the restorative potential God has put into our creation!