When we startet Care of Creation Tanzania in 2017, everything seemed more important than buying a car for the farm. We collected seeds, planted thousands of trees, built 8 houses (tree nursery, sustainable toilet/shower building, meeting hall, reception, farmhouse, store house etc.) and most important of all, we employed man locals. We trained hundreds of people, got over 40 sheep and the same amount of chicken and do now have 2 dogs with 8 puppies. Our flower collection is growing wonderfully. And all this work was done without a car of our own.
Thanks be to the Anglican Church, who gave us their car and driver and also two very nice taxi guys helped us a lot! After three years and four months, by the amazing help of lovely supporters, we were able to buy a vehicle.
We are soooo greatful for your prayers and also your financial support, to meet this tremendous need of ours.